Economy & Business
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What makes Barca so good? Three great lessons that apply beyond the immediate confines of the sport.
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For all the Luke Skywalkers out there, your hand is coming. A self-taught inventor, Easton LaChapelle of Mancos, Colorado is creating mind-blowing (and low-cost) robotic arms that he’s been developing since he was in, 3 years ago.
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Tracking innovative making and manufacturing signals from around the world — GE's stated embrace of 3D printing.
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Tracking innovative making and manufacturing signals from around the world — on seasonally-inspired objects by Savvy studio.
Greatest Hits
Tracking innovative making and manufacturing signals from around the world — Wikihouse
Greatest Hits
Tracking interesting signals, new and old ideas in the field of economics and business.
Greatest Hits
Tracking innovative making and manufacturing signals from around the world.
Greatest Hits
Tracking innovative making and manufacturing signals from around the world.
Greatest Hits
Tracking interesting signals, new and old ideas in the field of economics and business.