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Greatest Hits
The informal economy thrives on chaos and ambiguity, so it’s no surprise that with today’s landscape it is providing new jobs, products, services and platforms at speeds and in places the formalized economy can’t bend to reach.
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As businesses are caught in the crossfire of the Big Shift, a new archetype is emerging for creating value: The Platform.
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Launching a print publication is as daunting as it is enlightening. Looking back on the process and looking forward to the future, our editor, Patrick Tanguay, explains the common threads woven into The Alpine Review.
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What is a product? And what are the broader implications for design when smart, connected products have become the norm? In Megan Neese’s EPIC piece “What is a Product?”, she argues for a product-design methodology rooted in place.
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What is the role of IP as a competitive differentiator in a world of data and platforms — the interesting case of Tesla.
Greatest Hits
Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail — the 1-click button
Greatest Hits
Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail.
Greatest Hits
Ideas, thoughts and other curiosities about business and retail.