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Greatest Hits
A collection of ideas and curiosities about science and technology.
Greatest Hits
A collection of ideas and thoughts that point to the future of architecture and urbanism.
Greatest Hits
A collection of ideas and thoughts that point to the future of architecture and urbanism.
Greatest Hits
According to Rob Hopkins, the solution to peak oil and climate change is implementing a community model based on self-sufficiency, resilience and harnessing the unlimited power of human creativity.
Greatest Hits
Tracking interesting signals, ideas and questions that make society move.
Greatest Hits
A collection of ideas and thoughts that point to the future of architecture and urbanism.
Greatest Hits
A collection of ideas and thoughts that point to the future of architecture and urbanism.
Greatest Hits
In Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder, Nassim Taleb gives us a handbook on seeing things coming, by spotting the fragile, and conversely advocating in favor of people, organizations and ways of thinking, that are more than merely robust—they are antifragile.
Greatest Hits
One could view everything in our world as a collection of prototypes available to be changed. In these interesting times, we have all the tools in the world, all that is needed is a conversation to start the (re)making. Welcome to Berlin’s Makerplatz.